What is a Travel Plan?

New development is often required to have a Travel Plan which promotes and monitors sustainable travel use by residents or employees. A Cannon Travel Plan will provide you with details of your local walking, cycling and public transport services, as well as information on local amenities in your neighbourhood.

We want as many residents or employees as possible to try and reduce their car use, and instead walk, cycle, car share or use public transport which can be great alternatives particularly for those short journeys.

What are the benefits of a Travel Plan

Alongside the environmental concerns, cars also create pollution and this can affect our health. If we reduce car use it will be better for us and the environment in which we live. Simple choices and small changes will help reduce congestion and pollution. A Travel Plan aims to encourage individuals to think about and try out alternatives to car travel. The benefits include:

  • Reduced pollution and congestion
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Improved accessibility to local services
  • Reduced travel costs


For more information email:  travelplan@cannonce.co.uk

Featured Projects

Supporting development in Takeley, Essex

Apparatus bellis miscere tremulus agricolae, et perspicax oratori circumgrediet zothecas, iam Caesar neglegenter insectat fiducias, quod ossifragi amputat vix verecundus.

Supporting development in Takeley, Essex

Apparatus bellis miscere tremulus agricolae, et perspicax oratori circumgrediet zothecas, iam Caesar neglegenter insectat fiducias, quod ossifragi amputat vix verecundus.

Supporting development in Takeley, Essex

Apparatus bellis miscere tremulus agricolae, et perspicax oratori circumgrediet zothecas, iam Caesar neglegenter insectat fiducias, quod ossifragi amputat vix verecundus.

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